So I guess when you have three kids you have to get up and make sure are dressed every day somethings are bound to go wrong. I have been doing this for a while so I pretty much have it down to a science...I get up at 6 to shower, then go wake up the girl by 6:30 and turn on the boys 6:45 they are usually rolling out of bed-sometimes I have to go all drill sargeant on them and revlee them out of bed, around 7 I hit the kitchen for breakfast and we usually all cruise out the door at 7:15. I also have a long standing policy that I will not deal with signing papers, permission slips, planners or hand out lunch money or anything else school related in the morning. They are 10, 12, and 13. They know what is important and they know to get it signed the night before or I am NOT going to sign it. This has been the deal since the started school.
So when my son, the 10 year old, came to me this morning at 6:55 and said I need two sodas for my ACE/GSP party I wanted to KILL him! I was like for the whole class?? or what? This was the first time I had heard of this need for soda and was furious that he was telling me a mere 2 hours before they were needed. Needless to say I stuck to my guns and refused to go get the soda...even though it was not a big deal and I could have detoured and made it all happen but the point is that he is notorius for last minute! He constantly forgets to tell me things and sadly the school is awful about communicating when it comes to ACE/GSP. There have been several parties/functions where he needed to bring something and all I could do was take his word for it and send it.
Okay so I stuck to my guns and didn't get the soda. But what I did get was nuclear meltdown from a 10 year old. He huffed and puffed and stomped around for the remainder of the morning. When I told him to get the treats we made so he could take them in he stomped to the kitchen. I informed him he was grounded for the day and he argued he didn't stomp...well he's grounded for the day! He proceeded to whine some more and flop down on the couch and cry. All because he isn't getting soda! I mean SERIOUSLY!! The kid is getting 2 parties this week and he's whining because he isn't getting soda.
This has always been the problem. The 10 year old-Booger-whines about everything when he doesn't get his way. He is the baby of the family and sports the baby of the family mentality and as the oldest child of my siblings it drives me CRAZY! I remember when I got the phone call from the husband about Booger having a tantrum in the middle of a store because he didn't get the hot wheels he wanted. Husband was ENTHRALLED and ready to kill him...Booger was probably almost 3. I advised the husband to leave him there having his tantrum and walk away. Which he did. And Booger responded pretty well...but not before finishing his tantrum by peeing in his pants. The husband was mortified. Not only had Booger fallen out in the middle of the store but he peed his pants on top of it! WOW! His tantrums have worked for him in the past...he tends to fall apart and get his way because I don't always have the strength to deal with it. I guess I should figure out a way to get some will power...or that kid is going to be whining his way into Harvard with me footing the bill. UGH! more thing before I go. I have this wierd thing-I honestly think that girls should have their hair pulled up when they have PE. Am I crazy? I remember what it was like having gym in the morning and getting all sweaty and then having my hair look like crap the rest of the day. So I told the girl to get her hair up this morning she looked at me like I was CRAZY! As if I had just asked her to make a beehive on her head!! She hates it when I ask her to get her hair up...I hate it when her hair is down and in her face. I suppose this is a battle that has never been won or lost...just both parties continuing to fight..and relenting now and then so they can live to fight another day. Oh and oddly enough I had a dream she started her 'cycle' last night...wonder exactly when that will be coming...any day now is my guess. AWESOME! I couldn't stand myself when I was on earth am I going to tolerate her!??
what should be really fun is that you and she will probably cycle together, since women who live together tend to sync up. Not looking forward to that- but I have probably about 8 more years before I have to worry about it.
ReplyDeleteI can relate on the tantrum front!